Thursday, October 10, 2013

Our New Home... Making Sure It's Perfect and SAFE!

Dear Bogota Expats!

We found a new home and crazy enough, we had canceled the appointment to see it initially because it was more than one floor (yes, sounds crazy to do so but we saw a loft and another penthouse that was not at all suitable!   Y'know when you have small babies, you are always cautious about such things.)  At the last minute, with the feeling we should see as many places as possible and as we were at the end of our search about to make an offer on another apt, I said to our relocation specialist  "Why not, let's see it!"  So off we went and even at the first glance of the design of the garage (still under construction), I was sold... after seeing the apartment itself, a penthouse of a newly constructed building right near Parque Virrey, I was "flippada!"  160 sq m apt with 3 carpeted bedrooms, 2 full baths and 2 1/2 baths and an 80 sq m private terrace?!!  Did I mention the gym, squash court and pool downstairs?  Woweeee... I knew we found our home.  


Finding a home and finally securing it is another matter.  The price was at the upper limit of our budget, unfortunately but is a steal for everything it is!  I would never dream of spending so much money in the US but since we were receiving a significant housing subsidy, this should be fine.  In any case, the negotiations had to begin.  There were a few strategies that we were planning to employ, namely offering to pay 6 months in advance in addition to 2 months of deposit.  We heard that a family with the US Embassy were interested, so we felt we had competition also.  Despite that we offered this pre-payment for a discount of 500,000 COP per month.  They did not accept.  I guess they didn't really care about pre-payments and the such.  We heard the Embassy also offered about the same amount too, also turned down.  Our relocation specialist told us that often realtors ("corredores" de "Finca Raiz") and owners do not like to deal with the embassies directly as there are many restrictions and security concerns that they would have to deal with.

Things that are different than renting in the US:
- there is no background or credit check (though I'm sure they feel comfortable with our family profile and professional backgrounds)
- we had to request the "linea blanca" (washer-dryer, refrigerator) to be put in (which normally would already be in place in the US)
- as we are foreigners and we can't have an account with the television, cable or internet companies, the accounts would have to be in the name of the owners and we would have to pay them directly
- the owners, who were vacationing in Miami want to meet us next week so that they can answer any questions that we have

As my husband works for an international organization, the security of the UN had to be sent to check out the apartment also.  Below are the following recommendations made (most would be accommodated by the owners):



Quiero informarles que el día de ayer se realizo la inspección del apartamento,  el cual es viable para renta aunque abajo encontraran unas recomendaciones adicionales para  ajustes dentro del inmueble, es necesaria una segunda visita ya que actualmente el edificio se encuentra  en construcción y tanto están pendientes ajustes en el esquema de ingreso al edificio y los protocolos generales de seguridad que  se estipularan con la nueva empresa de  vigilancia que contrate la administración 

  • Solicitar  planilla o registro de instalación de las instalaciones de gas
  • Todas las ventanas se deben instalar seguros de niños
  • Incluir  reja de protección para la escalera para niños
  • La puerta de Cristal que mira al balcón debe incluir una cerradura con llave o seguro charlie Bar
  • El balcón debe protegerse los espacios  abiertos de la baranda los cuales son un riesgo para niños o mascotas que circulen por estas áreas  privadas comunes
  • Se debe incrementar el numero de sensores de detección de incendios para el apartamento
  • Se debe contratar un sistema de monitoreo y alarma incluyendo  la terraza.

Their reply:

Me gustaría comentarte que estuve hablando con la corredora y me confirma lo siguiente :   Los propietarios van a tener en cuenta las recomendaciones de Yulieth y van a organizar mayor seguridad en las ventanas, cerraduras extras, protección de espacio abierto en el balcón que está frente a la cocina, sensores de humo, van a solicitar el registro de la instalación del gas, de manera que puedan estar tranquilos.   A ustedes les corresponde hacerse cargo de lo siguiente: -Sistema de Monitoreo y alarma -Puerta o reja de protección para que los niños no suban la escalera   Saludos Cordiales, 

Hope that gives you a good idea of moving into an apartment in Bogota!

[Update: we met with the wife only as the husband works for a pharmaceutical company and is traveling all over the world - from South Korea to India.  She was very cordial and professional, and understood all of our needs in regard to having small children.  I believe and hope we'll have good communication and a good professional owner-renter relationship.]



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